For as long as students have existed, Ring of Fire has been the king of all student drinking games. Also known as King, King's cup, Donut or Jug Oval, Ring of Fire is one of the easiest to play drinking card games, which is why it is notorious amongst the student community. All you have to do is grab a drink, grab a card and follow the rules. To remind you of these, here are the Ring of Fire rules:
Ring Of Fire Rules:
- Set an empty cup in the middle of the table, and spread the deck of cards around it in a circle formation.
- Get your friends to sit around the table and explain what each card means.
- Each player then takes it in turns to take a card and complete the rule.
- If a player breaks the circle of cards, they must take a drink.
Ring of Fire Card rules:
- 2 - Choose. You can choose someone to drink with this card.
- 3 - Me. You must take a drink.
- 4 - Whores. All girls must drink.
- 5 - Thumb Master. When the person with this card puts their thumb onto the table or chair, everyone must copy them. Whoever is last must take a drink!
- 6 - Dicks. All guys drink.
- 7 - Heaven. Similar to thumb master, when whoever has this card puts their hand in the air, everyone must copy. The last person to do this must take a drink!
- 8 - Mate. Choose someone to take a drink whenever you do.
- 9 - Rhyme. The person to choose this card must choose a word and the person to their right must think of a rhyming word. This continues until someone cannot think of a word within 5 seconds, says a word that doesn't rhyme or repeats a word that has already been said. Whoever messes up must take a drink.
- 10 - Categories. The person to get this card must choose a category and each player must then say something that relates to that category. For example, if the first person chooses Harry Potter names as their category, going around in a circle, each player must think of a character name from Harry Potter. Same as the rhyme card, if you cannot think of a name or repeat a name that has already been said, you have to drink.
- Jack - Make a Rule. The person with this card must make up a rule that everyone else must obey. For example, you can make up a rule that no names are allowed to be said, or everytime someone speaks they must do a particular accent. It's really up to you how harsh or tame your rule is! The rules continue for the entire game. If anyone breaks a rule they must drink.
- Queen - Question Master. This card is a tricky one. Whenever the person with this card asks a question, you must reply with a question yourself. If you answer the question with anything other than a question, you must take a drink.
- King - Pour. Remember that empty cup in the middle of the table? This is where it comes into play. Whenever a player gets the king card they must pour some of their drink into the cup. Whoever has the last king must drink the entire contents of the cup. The last king symbolises the end of the game, and you can start all over again! Of course, the person who got the dirty pint may be of a different opinion...
You can double your fun by playing a beer pong tournament after! Check out our beer pong kits, suitable for any party environment. Be sure to know your limits and drink responsibly.
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