We've been eagerly awaiting the release of the new Call of Duty game here at BeerPong, and we always love making fun things even more fun.
So the group is torn between going on a night out and slowly disappearing into the gaming matrix, but why do you have to choose? Why can’t we incorporate drinking and our favourite video games? It’s 2017 after all – and we are nothing if not problem solvers!

Whether you are listening to 11-year-olds swear at you on multiplayer or slaying the undead on Zombies, we have created The Ultimate Call of Duty Drinking Game. We’ve kept it general, so no matter what edition you’re on whether it's new or old you can play along. Just don’t be too precious about your KDR after a few too many…

Take one drink when:
You die
You go down in Zombies
Your team lose the match
Take two drinks when:
You are killed by an explosion
You accidentally kill yourself
The weapons box moves in Zombies
Killed by headshot
Do a shot when:
You get stabbed
The game migrates hosts
You are the final kill of a match
You are obviously going to get worse as the game goes on so try not to rage quit! When you’ve had enough screaming at your team it means you’re probably ready to hit the town! We hope you get appropriately merry while you play The Call of Duty Drinking Game, but remember to always drink responsibly – for any other drinking or beer pong related needs check out our products here.
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